
Hope Students helps middle and high school students connect to a Christ-centered community, make meaningful memories together, and become more like Jesus. We foster deep connection and growth through Bible study, worship, and fun! We believe this age group is in the perfect stage of life to become equipped and empowered to BE the church.

Sunday at 11 a.m.

Sunday at 12:30-2 p.m.

We are going to CAMP!

CLICK HERE For more info on Middle School Camp for Summer 2024

CLICK HERE for more info on High School Camp for Summer 2024

Would you like to help with Students? Areas of need include:

High school security volunteer
Looking for a way to serve while getting some work done? This volunteer sits by the door and keeps an eye on things in the lobby of the chapel while high school group meets on Sundays! You can bring a book to read or work to do (or scroll on your phone!) to pass the time. We could use help about once a month, 12:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Room parent
If you are the parent of a middle or high schooler, you can join this team to help support your child’s ministry! Ways to serve here include but are not limited to helping organize student serving opportunities, caring for your students’ small group leaders, helping plan events for students, etc. Whenever there is a need Michelle will reach out to the team to see who might be interested in helping.

Middle School Room Monitor
Are you good at spotting issues and solving them? This person keeps an eye on the big picture in middle school so everyone has what they need! Responsibilities might include things like hanging out with students who may need a break, passing out fidgets to students who would benefit, helping students stay engaged by moving them to a better seat, etc. We could use help weekly (or as often as you are able) from 10:45 - 11:30 (or until students go to their small groups).

Contact Michelle Castle with any questions or if you would like to receive her weekly email updates.